

Soon I will go on a trip, I love travelling like all Russians. It's a usual question - Where are you going to spend your vacation this year? - in the first part of a year and Where have you spent your vacation? in the second part of a year.

Travelling became part of your image, if you spend your vacation at:

at home - everybody is speechless

dacha (country house) - you are too boring or too poor;

in the south of Russia or Ukraine - you are either very young or weird

in Turkey, Egypt - it's ok, but not more

Greece, Israel, European countries - you have been to Egypt and Turkey and now you may spend more money

United Arab Emirates, Malta, South or North America - you have money

India, Thailand - you are a little bit adventurous

So, those who have a lot of money, they have a hard time to think of a place to show their wealth, and those who don't have money have a hard time to hide it.

I heard there is such company that offers a very interesting kind of services - they would create a vacation for you. They will make photos of you sitting on a camel, standing next to a pyramid or whatever. They will tell you about this place and a hotel you "have lived" so you would feel like you were there! They even can fabricate курортный роман (a resort flirt). Wow. As they say in Russia - имидж всё (image is everything).

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