
Russian superstitions

If you have a Russian friend, especially if it is woman, then you are aware that Russians can be very superstitious. I see superstitious as rituals that help people feel more confident in their sometimes not very cosy world. You can't attribute to ignorance or illiteracy as Russian in their majority are quite educated.

Russian superstitions are more like a conduct of behaviour when you pass to others that you know "the rules" and consequently there will be nothing unexpected.

Well, it's just my point of view... Anyway, you may find it useful to get familiar with some Russian superstitions:

Do not shake hands over the threshold.

Sit down for a minute before a journey.

If you return home because you have forgotten something, look into the mirror before leaving again.

Do not put keys on the table.

If you wipe breadcrumbs off the table with your hands, you’ll have no money.

Don’t put a ruler on the bed: it means death.

Put out a candle with two fingers; don’t blow it out.

Open scissors or an open safety pin means a quarrel.

Wipe the floor away from the threshold, not toward it.

When you can’t find something, tie a kerchief (preferably red) to the leg of the table and call the house spirit for help.

A broken mirror means disaster.

If you have itchy palms, it means money: if the right palm itches you will get money; the left palm means you will give money.

If you step on somebody’s foot, it means trouble. The person should step back on your foot to avoid it.

Only spit over your left shoulder. Over your right shoulder is your guardian angel.

To protect yourself from the “bad eye,” wear metal.

A thread on a girl’s dress means she will get married.

If a knife falls from the table, a man will come; if a fork falls, the guest is a woman.

If you don’t recognize somebody, he’ll be rich.

When giving an empty vessel (cup, bowl) as a gift, put a chocolate or a coin inside so as not to give something empty.

Always give an uneven number of flowers.

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