
more mushrooms

The picture says: "Son, that wasn't опята (agaric honey)". Certain mushrooms may cause hallucinations, like fly agaric is used for this purpose. You may read about it in the book „Generation «П»“ by Viktor Pelevin, a famous modern Russian writer. He describes experience of using wild mushrooms as a drug. 


Russians and mushrooms

The other day I was walking in a park here and right on m path I saw 5 or 7 different mushrooms, of course nobody would think go "mushroom hunting" here, so these creatures (scientists argue that it's something in the middle of animals and plants) are allowed to grow freely.
That wouldn't happen in Russia - mushrooms have a big part in Russian culture, that is they hunt for mushrooms, cook them and eat and from time to time get sick :).
Every part of this (except for getting sick) is like a poem.
I'm talking about wild mushrooms - cep (or better white mushroom (белый гриб) how it's called in Russian, saffron milk cap (рыжик), chanterelle (лисичка), agaric honey (опята), russule (сыроежка) and so on. The mushroom you know it's champignon and it doesn't deserve a poem, it has no aroma, no character, no taste.
Picking up mushrooms is called "hunting". Families or friends get together and go hiking for the whole day. The prize is - the biggest white mushroom, which is supposed to be the best (it has more proteins than meat), or just any biggest mushroom. It is really captivating, as sometimes it's not that easy to notice a mushroom somewhere under leaves. But what a joy to run against a place where mushrooms sprang around within last several days (they grow VERY fast), then you will be done for the day!
They boil, fry, dry, salt, marinate mushrooms. There is a mushroom soup, a mushroom pie, fried mushrooms, marinated mushrooms and so on.
So, when you are in Russia go to mushroom hunting with your Russian friends, it will be an experience for you :).

Russian movies

I just watched an American movie White nights with Michkial Barishnikov, the movie, actually, is stupid, but I still like it, hard to explain, maybe because there was Barishnikov...

Anyway, the movie reminded me another movie  - a  Russian one - with more or less the same plot, but much much more closer to the reality and much smarter, East-West, a great movie! You just have to see it, although it's drama and the end is kinda not happy. The actors are great, if the name Oleg Menshokov says nothing to you, maybe you heard of the French actress Catherine Deneuve.

As I am speaking about Russian movies, I also want to recommend another Russian film - Heart of a dog (Собачье сердце) by Michkail Bulgakov. The book is a masterpiece and the movie is like the book. That rare happens when a movie is not worse then a book and here is the case.

And if you want to learn more about Russian revolution, watch the American movies the Reds,  it's a true story about John Reed, an only American buried next to the Kremlin wall. Isn't it something? 
All above-mentioned movies are about dark side of communism in Russsia, after having watched these movies you will learn a lot about Russia and its history, all these movies worth watching, probably just White nights is not the best.

Here you may read more about these movies and buy them if you want.


Russian superstitions

If you have a Russian friend, especially if it is woman, then you are aware that Russians can be very superstitious. I see superstitious as rituals that help people feel more confident in their sometimes not very cosy world. You can't attribute to ignorance or illiteracy as Russian in their majority are quite educated.

Russian superstitions are more like a conduct of behaviour when you pass to others that you know "the rules" and consequently there will be nothing unexpected.

Well, it's just my point of view... Anyway, you may find it useful to get familiar with some Russian superstitions:

Do not shake hands over the threshold.

Sit down for a minute before a journey.

If you return home because you have forgotten something, look into the mirror before leaving again.

Do not put keys on the table.

If you wipe breadcrumbs off the table with your hands, you’ll have no money.

Don’t put a ruler on the bed: it means death.

Put out a candle with two fingers; don’t blow it out.

Open scissors or an open safety pin means a quarrel.

Wipe the floor away from the threshold, not toward it.

When you can’t find something, tie a kerchief (preferably red) to the leg of the table and call the house spirit for help.

A broken mirror means disaster.

If you have itchy palms, it means money: if the right palm itches you will get money; the left palm means you will give money.

If you step on somebody’s foot, it means trouble. The person should step back on your foot to avoid it.

Only spit over your left shoulder. Over your right shoulder is your guardian angel.

To protect yourself from the “bad eye,” wear metal.

A thread on a girl’s dress means she will get married.

If a knife falls from the table, a man will come; if a fork falls, the guest is a woman.

If you don’t recognize somebody, he’ll be rich.

When giving an empty vessel (cup, bowl) as a gift, put a chocolate or a coin inside so as not to give something empty.

Always give an uneven number of flowers.


It was said a lot about Russian smile, its absence to be more exact. Maybe you heard the Russian proverb Смех без причины - признак дурачины (a laughter without reason is a sign of insanity).

Russians find American smile insincere, they can’t get used to it and because of that they don’t like it. They regard American smile artificial as Russian put a lot of meaning in their smiles. Satirist Zadornov called the American smile “chronic,” another satirist Zhvanetskiy described it as a person is plugged into an electrical outlet.

Russian don't realize that a smile for Americans is not only a showing of joy, but rather it can be a sign of politeness. It may sound strange for you, but in certain situations you'd better not smile in Russia, as you would be regarded not serious and it's a big flaw!

I, myself, don't like when a person smiles at me when I see he or she doesn't like me or doesn't care about me at all. 

From another side I see nothing wrong in smiling when someone is trying just to be polite. What I really don't like it's to smile when I don't feel like it, I still smile as I am trying to be a polite person but it makes me feel uncomfortable.



Today first time in my life I went to a comedy show, it was interesting and funny, though a lot of jokes as they say in Russian ниже пояса (literally below the waist, that is crude). Well, such jokes easy to make. So I thought what about Russian comedians? Above you see my favorite guy Michkail Zadornov, he is pretty funny and his jokes are smart, and the guys you can see below are just hilarious - Yurii Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov, they created their own show Городок (Gorodok), which they have for a long time and it is still funny! Their show you may see with English subtitles in case you don't understand Russian.

Ice Sculpture festival in Novosibirsk.


Soon I will go on a trip, I love travelling like all Russians. It's a usual question - Where are you going to spend your vacation this year? - in the first part of a year and Where have you spent your vacation? in the second part of a year.

Travelling became part of your image, if you spend your vacation at:

at home - everybody is speechless

dacha (country house) - you are too boring or too poor;

in the south of Russia or Ukraine - you are either very young or weird

in Turkey, Egypt - it's ok, but not more

Greece, Israel, European countries - you have been to Egypt and Turkey and now you may spend more money

United Arab Emirates, Malta, South or North America - you have money

India, Thailand - you are a little bit adventurous

So, those who have a lot of money, they have a hard time to think of a place to show their wealth, and those who don't have money have a hard time to hide it.

I heard there is such company that offers a very interesting kind of services - they would create a vacation for you. They will make photos of you sitting on a camel, standing next to a pyramid or whatever. They will tell you about this place and a hotel you "have lived" so you would feel like you were there! They even can fabricate курортный роман (a resort flirt). Wow. As they say in Russia - имидж всё (image is everything).


You know you have been in Russia too long when ...

You save table scraps for the cat(s) living in the courtyard.

When crossing the street, you sprint.

In winter, you choose your route first by determining which icicles are least likely to impale you on the head.

You hear the radio say it is just at or below freezing outside and you think it might be nice day for a change.

You actually know and care who won the last Spartak soccer match.

You win a shoving match with an old Babushka for a place in line and you are proud of it.

You hesitate to put on your seat belt to avoid offending the taxi driver and the impending 5 minute conversation to explain why you are putting it on.

You look at people's shoes to determine where they are from.

You "automatically" hand in your pepper spray at the door before going through the metal detector.

You notice that Flathead's cell phone is smaller than yours and you're jealous.

Your day seems brighter after seeing that Goon's Mercedes run into by a pensioner's "Moskvich".

You are thrown off guard when the doorman at the nightclub is happy to see you.

Your not sure what to do you when the "Gai" only asks you to pay the official fine.

You wonder what the tax inspector really wants when she says everything is in order.

You give a 10% tip only if the waiter has been really exceptional.

You plan your vacation around those times of the year when they turn off the hot water.

You're offended when your American friend gives you a "dozen" roses.

You are relieved when the guy standing next to you on the bus actually uses Kleenex.

You are envious that your expat friend has smaller door keys than you.

You ask for no ice in your drink.

When you develop a liking for beets.

When you eat hot dogs for breakfast.

When you begin to socialize with your driver and/or your cleaning lady.

When you know what Dostoyevsky's favorite color was.

When you drink the brine from empty pickle jars.

When you start shopping for products by their country of production

When you go for a walk in the park, Baltika in hand, and its -8 and snowing.

When it doesn't seem strange to pay a the GAI of $2.25 for crossing the double line while making an illegal U-turn and $35 for a microwaved dish of frozen vegetables at a lousy restaurant.

When you start to "feel" public transport and bridge opening schedules.

When you know more than 60 Olgas (you know one at least - it's me :) )

When you give you business card to social acquaintances.

When you wear a wool hat in the sauna.

When you put the empty bottle of wine on the floor in a restaurant.

I found this on the site http://www.ahajokes.com/ , I think it's pretty funny, and it's true!!