
Differences and opposites in American and Russian cultures

I noticed some things are quite opposite in these cultures, like these:
1. if someone works at the same job for 15 years in Russia that means he is not able to find anything better, in America that he is a loyal worker
2. in America they eat cake with a fork, in Russia with a spoon
3. and an American soup spoon is round, a Russian one is oval
4. in America they count folding fingers out, in Russia folding in
5. in America Sundays are dead and in Russai it's a day when they have fun and stores close late and by the way an american week starts with Sunday, a Russian one with Monday.
6. in Russia they regard families with 3 and more children as a very large family and people look at them with disapproval
7 in Russia teachers and doctors are traditioanlly poor, although lately it's changing (for doctors, oh, and they are all women :)
8. in America New Year is a reason to get drunk, in Russia it's a family holiday
9. American doughnuts are good cold and Russians ONLY when they are hot

I am sure I will come up with more later :)

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